New BSCI EIS-W50-VE50 Foam Expand

BSCI EIS W50-VE50 Foam (sheet)


EIS W50-VE50 has been developed by BSCI to facilitate energy management where softness and comfort are key factors. 

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391 kr

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Product Details
Energy Impact Systems (EIS) W50-VE50 is a highly engineered, open-cell viscoelastic (VE) polyurethane foam exhibiting excellent energy management characteristics. EIS W50-VE50 was developed by BSCI to aid in energy management where soft touch characteristics and comfort are determining factors. EIS W50-VE50 exhibits special characteristics when slow pressure is applied, it acts as a soft material but when impacted at high speed it exhibits characteristics similar to a solid crushable material. EIS W50-VE50 is best used in conjunction with EIS W50 in thin profiles and can be very effective when used alone in thick profiles.

Unlike most viscoelastic foam on the market, EIS W50-VE50 exhibits more stable material characteristics when subjected to extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold.

EIS W50-VE50 is available in standard form or can be engineered to meet specific criteria per a customers specifications. Indention load deflection and durometer can be adjusted to optimally perform in the manner requested by the customer.


Material: Open-cell, highly engineered VE urethane foam
Density: 5 lb. /cubic foot
Operating temperature up to 204 degrees celsius



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