BSCI Seat Insert Kits SFI 45.2 Expand

BSCI Seat Insert Kit LARGE SFI 45.2/FIA




8 091 kr

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BSCI has implemented the use of EIS W50 SFI 45.2 Approved foam in molded seating applications where ultimate fit, comfort and most importantly, where safety is desired. EIS W50 is used widely in the motorsports industry for energy management in head impacts. This foam technology has enabled BSCI to develop the use of this same material for use in molded seat inserts to help manage the forces exerted on a driver's body during crashes. Seat inserts molded from EIS W50 are inherently self extinguishing when fire becomes an issue.

Not only does the foam provide impact absorption during a crash, the material also serves to offer total body support during the normal running of a race. Because EIS W50 is a liquid when introduced to the mold application, it offers a perfect replication of the driver's body unlike using other materials such as foam beads which are solid in nature. Where beaded seats are already present, EIS W50 can be used as a layer between the bead and the driver in order to finalize the perfect fit.

Advantages over 2-part foam systems:

  • EIS is tested to rigorous impact and flammability standards to conform to SFI 45.2 and FIA standards
  • The slow foaming rate gives the occupant more time to position their body in the seat for molding
  • EIS is a resilient material that does not require replacement after impact

Advantages over beaded seats

  • EIS is tested to rigorous impact and flammability standards to conform to SFI 45.2 and FIA standards
  • No costly and unreadily available tools needed such as vacuum pumps
  • Time is of the essence in racing and other occupations, and with a cure time of five minutes, EIS completion time surpasses that of beaded seats.
  • EIS begins as a liquid, allowing the material to conform to every crevice of the body and ensuring accuracy of the mold. This allows for maximum comfort and support which is to be expected by the occupant. Beaded seats do not have this characteristic.
  • EIS is a resilient material that does not require replacement after impact

Comes with the following:

  • Foam kit, Carbon X for covering, sheet of ¼” x 20” x 40” foam, bag, electric carving knife, roll of black gaffers tape, roll double sided tape and instructions.
  • The Large kit include 1 yard of Carbon X cloth.

Large Kit: 1.91 ft³ foam

Note: The sheet of 1/4" x 20" x 40" foam that comes with the seat kit is not SFI approved. 



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